Macro Generator
gary — 2014-11-19T10:05:02-05:00 — #1
I've created a video explaining how curves work. It is at Attached is the file I used Curves.pat (9.4 KB). Layers 0,1 and 2 are used but only layer 0 is turned on.
Here is a video ( ) an how I draw a sleeve cap. It requires understanding how curves work Here is the MacGen file I worked with. SleeveCapDemo.mg4 (12.2 KB)
I've added a third video describing how to shape the sleeve cap curves.
stofftante — 2014-11-20T10:25:26-05:00 — #2
Gary, the third video is (for me) only private and can't be opened.
Those videos are fine.
gary — 2014-11-20T11:07:28-05:00 — #3
Thanks for the feedback. I think I've resolved and verified it is now public. Can you try again?
stofftante — 2014-11-20T12:09:49-05:00 — #4
gary — 2014-11-20T12:58:37-05:00 — #5
Thanks for letting me know. It wasn't set as private, but setting it
private then public fixed it. Strange...
trish — 2014-11-20T16:59:42-05:00 — #6
Gary - these videos are excellent! I have saved and watched them all -
even the MacroGen ones! I have finally got back to using PM again after
a long break and I'm fining them a real help!
Thank you - and Eugenie - for doing them!!
The one thing I really disliked about PM was that Right Click menu and
having to click 'Done Selecting' each time. (Drove me crazy!!) I never
knew that could be done by Right click only!!!
-from NSW Australia
trish — 2014-11-20T19:20:41-05:00 — #7
Gary - is there any way to import a MYOC pattern into PM Professional
Studio v7.5.1? I like the jeans pattern in MYOC but have fiddle with it
on paper:-( It would be really great to be able to do that in PM!
trish — 2014-11-20T19:35:42-05:00 — #8
Sorry - I did try to change the subject (start a new message) on last
message but must have clicked on wrong thing:-(
This is more to make sure I can do it right this time!
gary — 2014-11-21T08:25:17-05:00 — #9
I will look into this. Lane spent time updating Make Your Own Clothes
for PatternMaker 7.5 so I know that can be done.
trish — 2014-11-21T16:34:33-05:00 — #10
Thanks Gary - will look forward to it!
-from NSW Australia