edayan — 2017-12-24T04:58:37-05:00 — #1
Hi! Does anyone know if it's possible to use the PatternMaker measurement table to collect measurements from a customer online? I would like to collect measurements from customers who are far away and use them to generate patterns that will fit them. I understand the risks involved--there are many--I just want to know if it's technically possible...? Please let me know if you have any info or experience with this. Thanks!
stofftante — 2017-12-26T05:22:35-05:00 — #2
If you send the tabloid to a customer you will have a .txt in inches. Requiers much attention for using.
I would suggest to make yourself a sheet where the client can fill in and put the measurements drawings on too.
And send it to the client.
Now measurements are not very easy to take for an inexperienced person. I would never do it without 3 pics form the client. Front view, side and back. On the pic is not only the person from head to toe but also a reference line like a door frame and a DinA4 or letter format piece of paper. The camera position is at underbust level. So you are able to look for posture and controll the measures if they seam to be strange.