gary — 2016-02-08T09:48:05-05:00 — #1
I have created a meetup for Seattle PatternMaker Users Group. Our first meeting will be at noon on Saturday Feb 20th. We will be drafting a bodice with MacroGen. All are invited!
stofftante — 2016-02-10T06:11:39-05:00 — #2
Gary, because we go to sleep when you are doing the bodice, will there be a written protcol so that we Sleeping Beauties in Europe can work after it too?
I'm fascinated by MacGen
gary — 2016-02-10T09:34:39-05:00 — #3
I am going to check on recording the session. Bruce suggested using Twitter Periscope for live broadcasting. If there is interest I include people in a live teleconference via goto meeting or free conference call. I believe there is a 9 hour difference between United States West Coast time and Europe so the meeting is from 21:00-23:00 European time.
Should we try doing an online users group and go over creating fitting systems with MacroGen?
stofftante — 2016-02-12T06:05:39-05:00 — #4
This is a good idea.
The broadcast: Maybe I could write a little abstract from time to time for those whose english is not up to date.
gary — 2016-02-12T09:20:08-05:00 — #5
Thank you . That would be nice. This will be my first attempt at broadcasting so be patient if we have technical problems.
stofftante — 2016-04-24T08:44:30-04:00 — #6
Hi Gary,
how did the meeting run? It was a pitty, I was not able to see the broadcast.
Maybe you can you give us a short summery here? Did you proceed with the basic pattern?
I just saw that there is another meeting at April 30th. Maybe this time will be okay
p.s. I have switched to windows 10 and have no problems. Great!