kovacsboka — 2016-06-27T20:00:03-04:00 — #1
I try to scan a small pattern piece (fits on a single letter size paper) to BMP.
When I load it to PM, it is so big, does not fit to the screen at all... What I'm doing wrong? How can I scan it in 1:1 ratio?
Thanks for help,
gary — 2016-06-28T11:39:00-04:00 — #2
Hello Judit,
Thanks for your question. Here are a couple of posts I think might be helpful. Let me know if they are, or ask questions if they are not.
PatternMaker Software
kovacsboka — 2016-06-28T13:55:53-04:00 — #3
Thank you Gary for the quick answer.
I understand how to use the background image once it is in PM.
My problem is the scanned picture. The piece fits in the scanner, I scan it and save as bmp. If I open in a viewer, it still looks like one page.
If I load to PM, it loads only part of it.... I measured this part, its about 10 times bigger than the original.
I opened in paint, just to see... same thing.. its much bigger. I do not know how to set up the scanner to get the original size, saved as bmp...
Could you help me with this please?
Thank you,
stofftante — 2016-06-29T02:11:57-04:00 — #4
You must first resize your .bmp. Do it smaller. The size has to be about 360 kb - I think. You can do this with Paint the windows program.
After this you can load it into PM and are able to copy it with poly line.
Now to get the right size:
It is helpfull if you draw a straight line inside your pattern before scanning.
After redrafting you scale the piece using the measurement derived from this line.
lg heidi
kovacsboka — 2016-06-29T08:48:55-04:00 — #5
Thank you Heidi ! I will try today. I did not think about the line inside the pattern! It is so simple, but very good idea.
Thanks again,
kovacsboka — 2016-07-03T10:58:33-04:00 — #6
Resizing in paint works
Thank you again,