danielle — 2017-06-01T08:28:32-04:00 — #1
I cannot open or create a new pattern in PatternMaker anymore. If I try to open an existing file or create a new macro (either via the start screen or via the file menu) PatternMaker stops responding. The only thing left to do then is killing it through the task manager.
I'm still working with a demo version, since I manage to get my program registered.
When I closed PM the last time everything was fine, and in between I only used MacroGen.
I already reinstalled PM, but the problem still exists.
eugenienaber — 2017-06-01T16:09:39-04:00 — #2
This problem is solved by doing the following:
Sometimes the settings seem to be corrupted and Pm is not working properly anymore.
A solution is to get back the default settings of the program.
Go via Explorer to my docments/patternmaker/personal files/Config.
There you will find a ilue PM.cfg
Delete this file.
Close the computer and start again. Then after opeing PM the settings are recovered and it is working properly again.
When not please contact the helpdesk in the Netherlands for european customers or customer service is the USA.
Helpdesk PatternMaker Europe
danielle — 2017-06-09T05:11:09-04:00 — #3
Thanks Eugenie, this works.