gloriadeb — 2017-03-13T14:09:48-04:00 — #1
When I tried to grade 6 sizes, the shoulder seam doesn't show up. The graduated arrows do.
Also the arm curve does not show up.
Is this normal?
I tried to do it again, with only one size up and shoulder seams show up, but still not the armhole curve.
I place a tack at the bottom left corner, with arrows on the bottom right corner, underarm, top neckline, and the two ends of the shoulder seam.
I'm measuring the changes in sizes by 1/16". I'm being very careful about negative or positive X & Y coordinates.
I make headway every day!
My end game is to have a printed pattern with the pieces .nested.
eugenienaber — 2017-03-13T16:15:35-04:00 — #2
It is difficult to figure out of your description what has not gone right with your grading.
My first question would be:
Did you draw your pattern with a polygon and did you close the object with RM and Done/close?
When you did draw your pattern by overdrawing your bmp picture it is always necessary to adjust your drawing afterwards. It is almost impossible to place all points at the presize right place, for instance is the line an ortho line or is it a little steep. When you grade such a drawing with each graded size the difference will be greater which means the pattern more wrong.
When you mail me your .pat file of the graded pattern I can take a look at it and maybe see where it went wrong.
The .pat file is in my documents/patternmaker/personal files/patterns
You can mail it to
gloriadeb — 2017-03-14T09:54:26-04:00 — #3
Thank you very much!
I feel I have gotten over a major learning curve.