Previously. a drawing was created by Grading up and Down. The resulting file was GradingBodice-UpAndDown.pat (12.2 KB)
The problem is the small size is on layer 23. We need to shift it to layer 0, which has the medium size and needs to be moved.
Layer 0 (medium) => Layer 1
Layer 1 (large) => Layer 2
Layer 23 (small) => Layer 0
Layer 1 => Layer 2
Turn off all layers except layer 1 and 2
All Off
Off (for layer 1)
Off (for layer 2)
Notice how Off becomes On when clicked.
The drawing looks like:
To move it to layer 2.
Edit->Change Object
a (for select all)
Right Mouse (end selecting)
Layer 2
The object changed from green to blue because layer 2's default color is blue.
Note: only objects on visible layers were moved. That is why only Layer 1 and Layer 2 were on.
Layer 1 => Layer 2 Is done
Repeat these steps for
Layer 0 => Layer 1 and Layer 23 => Layer 0
When all the layers are turned on the drawing becomes GradeBodice-Layered.pat (12.2 KB)