ladydrew — 2017-03-21T16:59:09-04:00 — #1
I am a potential new customer. I am having a hard time getting the account registered. After numerous attempts, communication back and forth with the support associates via email, I am still unsucessfull at installing the pat.dll file associated with registering. did anyone else come across this issue? It gives me a error message saying I don't have permission to save the file in the correct location and to contact the admin and I am the admin of my cpu.
eugenienaber — 2017-03-21T17:47:37-04:00 — #2
In the current windows versions you can not download a .dll file and save it immediately in the C\Program files ............etc. This has to do with protection of your computer to "dangerous" files.
You have to save the file first somewhere in your Downloads. Then copy and paste the file to the right folder.
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