oliva — 2017-04-06T10:55:16-04:00 — #1
I have problems opening the dxf files generated with PatternMaker with AutoCAD. I use AutoCAD14.
I was also trying to use Clo3D to generate 3D rendering of the pattern but could not use Pattern Maker generated dxf.
Is PatternMaker dxf compatible with dxf aama?
Also, do you know what could be the issue with reading PatternMaker dxf file with AutoCAD? I tried the remedy recommended by Autodesk and it did not help (ref
Did anybody successfully imported PatternMaker DXF file to Clo3D?
Thank you
stofftante — 2017-04-06T17:17:00-04:00 — #2
Well , I'm no computer savvy person. I think PM has a .dxf Version (or how you are supposed to call it) around the number 9 of the DXF-language. Meanwhile the CAD- programs have progressed to quite a another version.
I'm sure Gary is working like crazy to give us a new version.
The link you gave looks reasonable but the date is 2007 . We have now 2017. 10 years in computer technology............
oliva — 2017-04-07T09:22:48-04:00 — #3
Thank you for your response. Yes, I'm aware technology is going forward. Dxf format is developed by Autodesk, but the format developed (or rather definitions added to the dxf file if you are reading the file with Notepad) since 2007, so it seems the PatternMaker dxf may be missing few lines of code. I'm not expert either 
I was hoping somebody had success loading the PatternMaker dxf to Clo3D. Clo3D uses dxf aama, but I couldn't find any converters from dxf-dxf aama to get this work.
Best regards,